Starting with version 1.3.0, Drill has the ability to query files stored on Amazon’s S3 cloud storage using the S3a library. This is important, because S3a adds support for files bigger than 5 gigabytes (these were unsupported using Drill’s previous S3n interface).

To enable Drill’s S3a support, first edit the file conf/core-site.xml in your Drill install directory, replacing the text ENTER_YOUR_ACESSKEY and ENTER_YOUR_SECRETKEY with your AWS credentials.





Next you’ll need to duplicate the ‘dfs’ plugin in the 'Storage’ section of the Drill Web Console, which is located at localhost:8047. (Note: on a single machine system, you’ll need to run drill-embedded before you can access the web console site). To do this, hit 'Update’ next to 'dfs,’ and then copy the JSON text that appears. Now create a new storage plugin on the previous page, and paste in the 'dfs’ text, replacing the text file:/// with s3a://your.bucketname. It doesn’t matter what you named your new plugin, but it might be helpful to reference the s3 and/or the bucket name so you remember what it’s for.

And that’s it! You should now be able to talk to data stored on S3 using the S3a library.