Deciding what combination of technologies will yield the best ‘BI on Big Data’ experience can be a major challenge for data professionals. This presentation, given by Dremio CEO Tomer Shiran at Strata + Hadoop World London, aims to shed some light on some of the solutions that are available in the space.

In this session, three general classes 'BI on Big Data’ solutions were investigated:

  • ETL to Data Warehouse (custom scripts, Informatica, Talend, Pentaho)
  • Monolithic All-in-one Solutions (Datameer, Platfora, Zoomdata)
  • SQL-on-Big-Data (Apache Drill, Apache Impala, Presto, Hive, Spark, Kylin, AtScale)

The following slides contain architectural descriptions, pros and cons, and a needs-based heuristic to assist those trying to settle on a BI on Big Data solution.